How Often Should My Child Visit the Dentist?

Find out when your child should start getting regular dental care in Charlotte, NC.

When it comes to being a first-time parent, you are often learning new things about your little one as you go along. You’ve gotten tons of child dental visitsadvice from family members, friends with kids and even doctors. Of course, it’s normal to have a million questions about how to keep your little one safe and healthy. Have you thought about your child’s oral health? If not, don’t worry. Our Charlotte, NC, family dentists Dr. Richard Bateman Dr. Joshua Neubauer and Dr. Emerald Powell are here to help care for your child’s growing smile.

The first dental visit will really involve our dental team getting to know you and your child and taking the time to discuss their health, lifestyle and certain habits that could impact their oral health. We can also answer any questions you might have about at-home oral care.

After your child’s first visit, they should start coming in every six months for routine checkups and cleanings, as this is the best way to protect against cavities and gum disease.

How should I care for my child’s teeth?

Even before your child’s teeth come in you should still be cleaning their gums between feedings to reduce plaque buildup. All you need to do is use a soft damp cloth to gently wipe the gums after each feeding.

Once your child’s first tooth comes in then it’s time to purchase a small soft-bristled toothbrush designed for babies and toddlers. At this point, you will only want to apply toothpaste that is no larger than a grain of rice to the toothbrush to clean your baby’s tooth. Once your child is 3 years old then you can apply a pea-sized amount of toothpaste to their toothbrush. Not sure how to begin brushing your child’s teeth? Just ask us during your child’s checkup; we would be happy to show you!

Many childhood cavities form because teeth aren’t properly cleaned or because parents often leave a baby bottle filled with juice in the crib. This means that your child’s teeth may be exposed to sugar all night long, which can cause decay. To prevent this from happening, either remove the bottle while your child is asleep or only put water in the bottle before bedtime (no sugary drinks!).

Need to schedule your child’s next dental checkup? If so, it’s the perfect time to call Park Crossing Dentistry in Charlotte, NC.